Two Men Who Greatly Influenced the Founding of the Aiken Winter Colony

Rockefeller and Payne became business partners in 1868, and formed the Standard Oil Trust in 1870. Payne was William Collins Whitney’s brother in law. Many Winter Colony families derived their fortunes from these two men.

Ned Brown’s home base is Charleston, SC. Before becoming a full-time author and documentary television writer, creator, and producer, Ned worked for over three decades in and around the federal government in Washington, DC. In addition to his political work, Ned has written dozens of stories and articles about “interesting people doing interesting things”- including Charleston and its people, history, places, and events. Ned is married to a successful Charleston and Washington, DC wedding planner, Christina Baxter, and has a son, John Patrick.


Join us for a private tour of the Green Foundation property, and help us to preserve it’s historic majesty. In these 6 short vignettes, you will begin to understand the importance of preserving such an important piece of American history.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5

About the Author:

Video 6